isimSoftware Color Picker
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Color Picker is a simple tool to let you select any color you see on your computer’s screen. It will provide that color data to you in red, green, and blue values or in an HTML hex format for easy copying into your site’s CSS code.
Personal License Price: Free – Click here to donate this software
It does not do anything else. It doesn’t hide in your system tray, it doesn’t have any options or parameters. It doesn’t let you adjust the color after you’ve picked it. It just lets you pick the color from the screen and gives you the values necessary to use that color somewhere.
What is Color Picker?
Color Picker Readme File
Color Picker is a simple tool to let you select any color you see on your computer’s screen. It will provide that color data to you in red, green, and blue values or in an HTML hex format for easy copying into your site’s CSS code.
How to use Color Picker
Just launch the application, click and drag the “Drag Me” box somewhere on your screen and let go of the mouse button once you are over the pixel with the color you desire to pick. The data in the app is updated in real-time.
That’s the only thing this tool does. It doesn’t hide in your system tray, it doesn’t have any options or parameters. It doesn’t let you adjust the color after you’ve picked it. It just lets you pick the color from the screen.
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