isimSoftware OfflineBookmarkManager
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isimSoftware OfflineBookmarkManager is an offline bookmark manager for Windows desktops. It helps you to store links to all of your favorite websites in one central repository.
Personal License Price: Free – Click here to donate this software
- Import your bookmarks from most major browsers, including Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer and Opera.
- Open websites in any browser installed on your computer, directly from within isimSoftware OfflineBookmarkManager.
- Store and sort sites in unlimited categories.
- Enable a floating toolbar that you can keep anywhere on your screen, for quick access to all your bookmarks.
- Generate HTML “home” pages containing links from one or all categories.
- Save credentials for any site in an encrypted format.
- Open and manage unlimited numbers of databases. Have one for work bookmarks and a separate one for home.
- Portable mode! Now, run it from a USB thumb drive! Check out the download section.
- Specify a browser for each individual bookmark so websites that only work in certain browsers will automatically open where they need to.