isimSoftware Oracle To MySQL Converter
isimSoftware Conversion Software – Oracle to MySQL converts oracle database to MySQL database formats with support to data base key constraints, data types and attributes. Software also save converted MySQL records at specified location.
Personal License Price: 14$ – Click here to buy this software
isimSoftware Oracle To MySQL Converter
isimSoftware Conversion Software – Oracle to MySQL converts oracle database to MySQL database formats with support to data base key constraints, data types and attributes. Software also save converted MySQL records at specified location.
isimSoftware Conversion Software – Oracle to MySQL converts database records created in Oracle database to MySQL database format. Oracle to MYSQL database migration program supports all database attributes, database key constraints, schemas, indexes, null value and primary key constraints.
Software features:
Supports entire oracle data types and attributes during database conversion process.
Allows user to convert individual tables or entire database records.
Works with all versions of Oracle and Windows MySQL servers.
Saves migrated records at new location or merge converted records into an existing SQL database.