isimSoftware CountDown Timer
isimSoftware countdown timer for Windows, written for show operators by a show operator. Simple intuitive user interface with plenty of options hidden underneath. Displays time remaining, current time and a message to a secondary display. Full network control via a suitable controller. Trigger audio clips at set timer values.
Personal License Price: 15$ – Click here to buy this software
isimSoftware countdown timer for Windows, written for show operators by a show operator. Simple intuitive user interface with plenty of options hidden underneath. Displays time remaining, current time and a message to a secondary display. Full network control via a suitable controller. Trigger audio clips at set timer values.
User interface

Save up to 9 presets or manually enter hours/minutes/seconds at any time.
Timer Control
No more buttons than you need – play/pause toggle and reset. Once running, the timer will show you total elapsed time and expected end time. Add or subtract from the time remaining while the timer is running with the Jog buttons.
Enter a message and send to screen. Messages will briefly flash then remain until cleared.
Add triggers to play audio files at a certain time remaining.
Output Display

isimSoftware Countdown Timer takes over a secondary display, this can be toggled between 4 different modes: timer, time of day, test pattern, black. A progress bar and time of day can be shown. Messages will gently flash when they appear to draw the presenter’s attention. Automatically resizes to any screen resolution include portrait modes.
Remote control of Countdown Timer is fully supported. Download the software here or get started immediately.
A simple web page showing the timer can be reached via port 8181 or via your Network Browser (look for isimSoftware Countdown Timer).
Remote Displays
The timer constantly broadcasts its status to any listening device. isimSoftware Countdown Timer also supports Interspace Industries CDEther Receiver.
If you would like to use the software for more than 15 days, you will need to purchase a key. To activate, enter the key after clicking on ‘License’. Once the order is complete, a product key will be immediately emailed to the contact address. If you do not receive this email within a few minutes, check your junk email then contact
Countdown Timer Syntax
Remote Control Protocol
Remote control is available via TCP on port 61002
Commands are sent in ASCII and require an EOL (either \r, \n or \r\n). Responses have an EOL of \r\n and a
response of ‘OK’ indicates success. A response of ‘ERROR’ indicates the command could not be parsed and a response of ‘INVALID’ indicates the command was out of context e.g. trying to pause a stopped timer. While UPDATES mode is enabled, all other responses are disabled.
Supported Commands (new commands marked )
Command | Description | |
GO | Start timer with current duration or resume | |
PAUSE | Pause timer | |
TOGGLEPAUSE | If playing, pause or if paused, resume | |
RESET | Reset timer to last set duration | |
RESET <time> | Reset timer with new duration | |
REMAINING | Get remaining seconds | |
JOG <minutes> | Adjust timer up/down while running | |
STATE | Report current state | |
DISPLAY <mode> | Change display mode | |
UPDATES <on|off> | Sends time remaining hh:mm:ss and playstate when either change | |
UPDATEMODE <1|2> | Change UPDATES syntax | |
VERSION | Reports application version | |
MESSAGE “text” | Display text as message | |
MESSAGE CLEAR | Clear message from display |