isimSoftware Registry Key Diff
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isimSoftware Registry Key Diff is a tool to allow you to compare two different local registry keys to see what is the same and what is different about them. It was created to compare PuTTY sessions to see why one session acts differently than an almost identical one.
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isimSoftware Registry Key Diff is a tool to allow you to compare two different local registry keys to see what is the same and what is different about them. It was created to compare PuTTY sessions to see why one session acts differently than an almost identical one.

Registry Key Diff Readme
What is Registry Key Diff?
Registry Key Diff is a tool to allow you to compare two different local
registry keys to see what is the same and what is different about them. It was
created to compare PuTTY sessions to see why one session acts differently than
an almost identical one.
How to use Registry Key Diff
Registry Key Diff supports passing in two registry keys at the command line.
RegKeyDiff.exe HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SimonTatham\PuTTY\Sessions\server1 HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SimonTatham\PuTTY\Sessions\server2
If there are any spaces in the keys you are trying to compare, please make
sure to “enclose them with double quotes”.
If you would prefer to select your two keys to compare once the application
has started, you can do that as well. To do so, just launch the app, and then
click the Select Key buttons at the top of each panel to select the keys you
would like to compare. As soon as both are selected, it will automatically
run the comparison for you.
If there are any differences between the keys, they will be displayed at the
top of application. Any values that are identical will be displayed at the
bottom of the application.
If a value exists in one key that does not exist in the other, it will be
listed as “Missing Completely” and highlighted with red.
Any keys that are different will allow you to copy them to the opposite key.
Just right-click the value(s) and choose Copy to Key N from the menu. This
will duplicate the value from one key to the other.
That’s pretty much it for Registry Key Diff.
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