isimSoftware Remote Manager
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Remote Manager helps you to manage different types of remote connections in one convenient interface. It is designed to look like a chat client buddy list. Remote Manager currently supports remote connections using PuTTY, WinSCP, TightVNC and Microsoft Remote Desktop. Instead of rewriting the interfaces for each of these applications, Remote Manager just aggregates the connections. To create a new connection, it will actually launch the application’s interface and you can save your connection from within that application. Remote Manager will then aggregate your new connection you have created, provided you save it in the proper location.
Personal License Price: Free – Click here to donate this software
- Supports PuTTY, WinSCP, TightVNC, and Microsoft Remote Desktop
- Small form factor fits neatly anywhere on your desktop with a tray icon for access if it is hidden behind other applications
- Capable of being pinned to the top of the screen so that other applications can’t hide it
- Shows a quick overview of each connection in a tool tip before making the connection
- Allows you to open an entire group of PuTTY windows simultaneously, and arrange them usefully on any of your screens
Remote Manager Readme
How to use Remote Manager
Remote manager is a very simple application. It aggregates connections created
by other remote applications into one streamlined interface that makes it easy
to manage them all in a single location.
To create entries in the PuTTY category, you can choose File->New PuTTY
Connection, which will launch the normal interface for PuTTY. Once you have set
up your connection in PuTTY, under the Session section, type a name in the
Saved Sessions box and click the Save button. Now, cancel the dialog and your
connection should show up in the list in Remote Manager.
A current version (at the time of build) of PuTTY is included with this
distribution. If you would prefer to check for a new version, visit the PuTTY
If you have WinSCP installed, it works well with PuTTY and supports importation
of the profiles created with PuTTY. To use WinSCP with Remote Manager, just
right click on the PuTTY profile and choose Launch (WinSCP). If you have
previously imported that site into WinSCP, it will automatically launch it. If
you have not, then it will inform you that you must do so and give you the
One thing to note for WinSCP is that a version is not distributed with Remote
Manager. You will need to install it yourself, and then configure Remote Manager
to look for the application in the correct directory. There is an Auto Detect
button in the Configuration tab for WinSCP that should take care of that for
Remote Desktop (RDP)
To create entries in the Remote Desktop category, you can choose File->New RDP
Connection, which will launch the normal Remote Desktop client. Once you have
typed in a hostname (and optional port), you can expand the Options section and
click the Save or Save As buttons. Save the file in the specified path in the
configuration window of Remote Commander (Default is ‘My Documents\RDP’) and
close the Remote Desktop client window to see the connection appear in the
Remote Manager list.
mstsc.exe (Remote Desktop Client) is included with your version of Windows. If
you are running this application under a different OS, A: Congratulations, that
is quite impressive, and B: I don’t know where you would legally get a copy of
mstsc.exe. Maybe
TightVNC Viewer (VNC)
To create entries in the VNC category, you can choose File->New VNC Connection,
which will launch the New TightVNC Connection window. Type in a hostname (and
optional port/display) and change any other options you need to make. Once
the settings are completed, you will need to actually connect to the host to
save the settings. Click the connect button and provide the password if
required, then access the window System type menu and save the connection in
the specified path in the configuration window of Remote Commander (Default is
‘My Documents\VNC’) and close the VNC connection window to see the connection
appear in the Remote Manager list.
A current version (at the time of build) of vncviewer is included with this
distribution. If you would prefer to check for a new version, visit the
TightVNC website: