isimSoftware WinPosition
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isimSoftware Team
isimSoftware WinPosition is a simple application to allow you to manage the location of your various windows on your computer. It came about after the Winsplit Revolution application was discontinued and there was no longer a free version available.
isimSoftware WinPosition really works well with high resolution (4K+) screens where you don’t really need to maximize your windows to be effective. It pairs well with Remote Manager to manage PuTTY windows if you need to be logged into multiple SSH hosts simultaneously.
Use the Ctrl+Alt+NumPad keys to control where your open windows go
Create as many different layouts as you want for each key, and cycle through them
Personal License Price: Free – Click here to donate this software
WinPosition Readme
What is WinPosition?
WinPosition is a simple application to allow you to manage the location of your
various windows on your computer. It came about after the Winsplit Revolution
application was discontinued and there was no longer a free version available.
WinPosition really works well with high resolution (4K+) screens where you
don’t really need to maximize your windows to be effective. It pairs well with
Remote Manager to manage PuTTY windows if you need to be logged into multiple
SSH hosts simultaneously.
How to use WinPosition
To get started with WinPosition, just launch the application. An icon will
appear in your system tray (near the clock) from which you can control the
various features of the application. By default, WinPosition comes with a few
basic position for your windows, but you are free to add as many different
settings to the configuration as you’d like. Managing these different layouts
is as easy as selecting the Layout Config option from the menu after right-
clicking on the icon in your system tray.
Within the WinPosition Layout Configuration window, you will see the buttons
to the left of the window, and the layout configurations in the center listing.
The buttons match the layout of the keys on your number pad on the keyboard.
Unlike other tools, WinPosition currently does not support changing the hotkey
settings. For each of the 9 categories you would press Ctrl+Alt+# to toggle
through the layouts configured for that button.
To add a new layout position, select which button you’d like add it to, then
click the Add button in the top right corner. Specify the dimensions in
percentage points and click the OK button. Make sure that you click the Save
Layout button when done adding so that your changes are saved. From this same
window you can move the various sizes up and down in the sequence. You can also
delete or edit existing layout locations. Again, hit the Save Layout button to
complete those changes. If you make a change and don’t want to save it, just
click the # button on the left again to revert the changes you’ve made.
If you are moving to a new computer, or would otherwise like to share your
layout settings with another computer, you can use the Export button. This will
create a copy of your layout configuration file that can be Imported at a later
date. This is also a good way to save a backup of your configuration for later
That’s pretty much it for configuration. Once you have the settings to your
liking, you can start using the application. When any window on your computer
is focused, pressing Ctrl+Alt+# on the number pad will move that window to the
next position in the sequence configured for that key.
Addtional key combinations:
Ctrl+Alt+/ — Divide the current window in half
Ctrl+Alt+* — Double the current window’s size
Ctrl+Alt++ — Toggle current window between maximized and normal
Ctrl+Alt+- — Minimize current window
If you ever have a conflicting application that may also use the Ctrl+Alt+# key
combination, you can temporarily pause WinPosition so that it ignores the key
presses. To do this, just select the Pause Hotkeys option from the context menu
of the system tray icon.
If you want WinPosition to run at startup, just select that option from the
same tray context menu. It will show as selected if the registry key already
exists, meaning it already runs at start up. If you check it again, it will
remove it from the registry. For reference, it writes to the following registry
key (and only this key):
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