
sql document database

isimSoftware SQL Document Database

isimSoftware SQL Document Database (SQL Data Dictionary) Document your database with ease. SQL Document Database can generate a professional quality PDF, HTML, or XML document of the tables, views, procedures, and functions in your SQL Server database down to the column level details. Includes indexes, foreign and primary keys, and usage by stored procedures and […]

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isimSoftware Connection String Creator

isimSoftware Connection String Creator Personal License Price: 9$ – Click here to buy this software Easily create connection strings for the most popular databases.Supports building connection strings for Excel, FileMaker, Firebird, IBM DB2, Informix, Ingres, Microsoft Access, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, SQLite, Sybase Adaptive, Sybase Advantage, Teradata, VistaDB, and Windows Azure.Easily create connection strings for

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