isimSoftware DotNetChecker .NET Checker makes for a decent, modest informative app, as it presents you with the installed .NET Framework and Visual C++ versions on your system.
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isimSoftware DotNetChecker
Meeting .NET and Visual C++ compatibility requirements is essential to running an app. Some work on older iterations, while others require the latest versions. Either way, knowing what you have installed on your system can help you better understand whether you meet those requirements or not.
Interestingly enough, a checker utility can be used to solve this conundrum. .NET Checker is not just a checker for the .NET framework, but also for Visual C++, allowing you to see if there’s anything you need to install to get something to work.
What you see is what you get
Indeed, the program does as it says as there’s essentially not much you have to do as the end user to get everything to work. The program itself requires .NET Framework 4.5, but you should be set if you’re running Windows 10 or 11 — which you should, especially the former — as they include it by default.
Click the Check Installed button above .NET Versions, and the program will return a list of the versions you have installed, as well as the ones you’re missing, if applicable. The ones not installed will be highlighted with a red, orange-ish color — I think it’s more orange than red.
Also checks for installed Visual C++ versions
The software is also able to detect the installed Visual C++ packages. Much like with detecting .NET Framework installations, anything that’s not yet installed will be highlighted appropriately. Here, though, the program also features both the x86 and x64 architectures for newer versions.
In addition, the program comes with a .NET version checker, which supposedly only needs an application’s directory to provide compatibility information. Supposedly, because during my testing, I couldn’t get this to work at all. It’s a bit disappointing, as you’ll just have to resort to manually looking up those details yourself.
.NET Checker makes for a decent, modest informative app, as it presents you with the installed .NET Framework and Visual C++ versions on your system.