isimSoftware PST to PDF Converter

isimSoftware PST to PDF Converter

Convert emails from PST to PDF files without Outlook. Convert and save emails, attachments, folders from PST files to PDF or PDF/A files, while preserving the folder structure and hierarchy – all in a click.

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isimSoftware PST to PDF Converter
Convert emails from PST to PDF files without Outlook

Convert and save emails, attachments, folders from PST files to PDF or PDF/A files, while preserving the folder structure and hierarchy – all in a click.

Includes a diverse range of PST to PDF converter options for file attachments: extract to a disk, convert into PDF files, embed as individual files in their original formats into PDF, or combine with the email as continuous pages into one PDF.

Product Summary
Convert email to PDF with attachments embedded within the PDF file.
Convert common file attachment types to PDF (up-to 120 or more types).
Convert appointments, tasks, notes, journals, contacts into PDF files.
Bulk extract email file attachments to a location on your hard drive.
Convert multiple emails into a single PDF file.
Archive emails using PDF/A for long-term preservation.
Read PST created by any version of Microsoft Outlook, including newer Unicode and older ANSI formatted PST files.
Use keywords and filters to search and find specific emails of importance before converting to PDF files.
Different mode of conversion – single email to PDF, multiple emails to PDFs, folder or whole PST into PDFs.
Maintains original folder structure to keep PDF version of emails in same folders.
Retains embedded images, attachments, metadata, and email attributes while exporting PST to PDF.
Set security restrictions to PDF files e.g., ability to edit or print.
Secure PDF documents by setting a user password for viewing.
Apply watermark image or text to PDF (i.e., company logo or name).
Add table of contents or bookmarks in One PDF file for easy navigation.
Add page number, header and footer information in PDF such as copyright or disclaimer information.
Automatically fix inline images to fit the page in the resultant PDF.
Convert Emails in PST to PDF
Use PST to PDF Converter to perform seamless conversion of emails and attachments to PDF format, either as separate PDF files, or combine together to one PDF file.

Batch PST to PDF Conversion
Use PST to PDF Converter to open multiple PST files at once and perform bulk conversion of emails to PDF files in a click. Streamline tasks and save time and effort.

Maintain Same Folder Structure
Replicate and preserve the hierarchical structure of email folders of the PST into your disk drive during PST to PDF conversion, without losing any data.

Retain Email Metadata in PDF
PST to PDF Converter preserve formatting, images and email metadata and properties such as To, Cc, Bcc, Received date, sent date, headers, PDF.

Preview Email before Export
With PST to PDF Converter, preview emails, calendars, contacts, tasks, notes etc. in the PST with all associated metadata attributes, formatting and inline images.

Export Selective Emails to PDF
With PST to PDF Converter, choose only those emails or folders that you want to save as PDF. Optionally, use keyword search or apply filters with start and end date.

How It Works?
There are three ways to perform PDF conversion with isimSoftware PST to PDF Converter – whole PST to PDF, Chosen Folder to PDF and Chosen Email to PDF.

Convert whole PSTs to PDF (bulk conversion)
In this mode, you can perform bulk conversion of the whole contents of each PST file to PDF format. Simply, click the ‘Save as PDF‘ button option just above the PST tree-view control.

Convert PST to PDF in bulk

From the ‘Save as PDF’ dialog box, you have myriad of options for PDF conversions of the emails and their attachments.

Save as PDF dialog box for converting PST to PDF

Option 1: Convert each email to own PDF file
By default, each email in the PST will be converted to their own PDF file, without the attachments. If you want the attachments to be part of the exported PDF file, you can choose one of the following possibilities:

Convert each attachment to their own PDF file.
Extract the attachment to disk in its original format as a separate file.
Embed the attachment in its original format within the PDF file of the email.
Combine all attachments into one PDF file and output separately than the PDF of the email content.
Append and combine each attachment as PDF pages to the PDF of the email as one long, continuous PDF file.
Watermark and Security Password
In addition, you can apply a watermark to each page of the converted PDF file in the form of a text (e.g., your company name) or an image (e.g., your company logo). After that, to protect and limit certain operations on the converted PDF file by users, you can apply a security password. Consequently, a user who want to open and view the PDF file in PDF Viewer will need to enter this security password. The same is hold true when a user tries printing, making changes, copying etc.

Option 2: Combine emails of each folder to one PDF file
In this option, you can combine all the emails of each folder and merge to one PDF file. And the generated PDF will bear the name of the email folder. For instance, if the email folder name is ‘Inbox’, the resultant PDF file will be named as ‘Inbox.pdf’. By the same token, if you have 10 email folders in a PST, this mode will output 10 PDF files, each PDF file containing all the emails of a particular email folder.

Optionally, you can configure how the attachments of the emails will appear in the one PDF file. You can choose one of the following possibilities:

Each attachment is embedded in their original format in the PDF.
Each attachment is appended as PDF pages and merged with the PDF of the email.
Each attachment is extracted to their original format as separate file in your disk.
Option 3: Combine all emails of the PST to one PDF file
In this option, all emails from all folders of a PST will be combined and merged together to one PDF file. And the generated PDF file will bear the name of the PST file. In other words, if the name of the PST is ‘Support.pst’, the resultant PDF file will be named as ‘Support.pdf’.

If you have opened 3 PST files at once, 3 different PDF files will be generated, one each for each PST.

Likewise, you can configure what to do with the attachments of the emails. That is, you can choose one of the following possibilities:

Embed the attachments in their original formats into the PDF.
Append as PDF pages and merged with the PDF of the emails.
Extract and save the attachments in their original formats as separate files in your disk.
Apply keywords search and filters
You can choose to perform a keyword search and apply filters and only perform the bulk conversions of those emails in the PST that fulfill the search parameters to PDF. To do that, click the ‘Filter‘ button available on top of the PST tree-view control box.

A dialog box for the search pop ups enabling you to input keywords search in the subject or body or both. You can also filter the emails by matching the sender in the From field and/or the recipient in the To field. Additionally, you can specify a time duration to restrict the emails that fall between the start and end date.

Search PST before bulk conversion to PDF

After applying the filters, the filter icon will change with a green tick mark and the background color of the PST tree-view control box will also be in green. You will also notice that each folder entry in the tree-view control shows the number of emails that fulfilled the search filter out of the total emails, enclosed within brackets.

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