Exam Name: Waze Ads Fundamentals Assessment
Exam URL: https://skillshop.exceedlms.com/student/path/7780-waze-ads-fundamentals
Waze Ads Fundamentals Assessment Answers
Which Waze offering is a data exchange program in an effort to form partnerships with local governments around the world?
- Waze Carpool
- Connected Citizens Program
- Waze Ads
- Waze for Brands
Waze is a _ movement company, with the power to move people to you.
- Car
- Traffic
- Human
Passing the “Toothbrush Test” means that drivers use Waze __ times per day.
- 1
- 2
- 1.5
- 0

In the U.S., on which of the following popular branding platforms do people spend the most in-app time per month, on average?
- Waze
- Snapchat
What type of additional support do Preferred Partners receive?
- Client acquisition support
- Training materials
- Dedicated Account Manager
- All of these
Pricing for Plus starts at $____/day?
- $1,000
- $500
- $169
- $400
Which solution is meant for businesses with 1 to 10 locations?
- Brands
- Starter
- Plus
- None of these
In 2017, ads on Waze generated how many navigations to local businesses around the world?
- 4 million
- 10 million
- 14 million
- 24 million
Is there a minimum investment to become Certified?
- Yes
- No, but Fundamentals Certification is required
- No, but Advanced Certification is required
- None of these
Pricing for Waze Ads is based upon what type of model?
- Flat rate
- Yearly subscription
- Monthly budget
In the U.S., Wazers with how many people in their household make up 65% of overall users?
- 0
- 1
- 2 to 4
- 5 to 10
What business information does a Branded Pin provide when a user clicks on the info button?
- Business locations and store hours
- Phone number and special deals
- Store hours and phone number
- Business location, store hours, phone numbers, and special deals.
What do all three ad formats help businesses achieve?
- Differentiation from similar businesses in their area
- Improved location awareness
- Increased navigations to their locations and in-store traffic
- All of these
What can advertising on Waze Local help businesses of all sizes achieve?
- Raise their profile
- Increase location awareness
- Drive in-store traffic by turning their location into a destination
- All of these
Which Waze Partner Program service level requires Waze Ads Advanced Certification and a minimum quarterly investment?
- Waze Certified
- Preferred Partner
- Both
- Neither
In the U.S., nearly half (46%) of all Waze users have a yearly household income of what amount (USD)?
- $50K or less
- $75K
- $90k
- $100K or more
What do Waze Ads include that traditional OOH, billboards, and other ad platforms lack?
- Business name and logo
- Business address
- Critical targeting and measurement capabilities to interact directly with drivers in motion and turn your location into a destination
- Business phone number
Which ad formats does the Plus solution offer?
- Branded Pins and Promoted Search
- Zero-Speed Takeover
- All of these
- None of these
If you plan to spend less than $169/day, which solution is most suitable for your business?
- Starter
- Plus
- Brands
- None of these
Waze uses insights to effectively target drivers _?
- When they are at work
- When they are at home
- When they are near your business or visiting your competitors
- When they are not using Waze
What is the most recent Waze offering?
- Connected Citizens Program
- Waze Ads
- Waze Carpool
- None of these
In the U.S., almost ⅓ of the Wazers you reach on Waze live within how many miles / km of your business?
- 6 / 10
- 10 / 16
- 12 / 19
- 15 / 24
How many people use Waze around the world each month?
- 20 million
- 50 million
- 75 million
- > 110 million
How many crowdsourced reports on routes and road conditions does Waze receive each month?
- 10 million
- 13 million
- 27 million
- 53 million
Name the level(s) of the Waze Partner Program.
- Certified
- Partner
- Certified and Preferred Partner
- Waze Local Partner
How does the Waze Dashboard define the Navigations performance metric?
- The number of Wazers who search for your business
- The number of Waze users who click “Drive There” from an ad unit and then “Go” from the Location Preview screen
- The number of Wazers who see your ad
- The number of Wazers who click on your phone number
What additional features are in the Plus dashboard?
- Ad Downloads
- Inbox Impressions
- Inbox Action Clicks
- All of these
Which Agency Partner service level requires Advanced Certification and a minimum quarterly investment?
- Waze Certified Partner
- Waze Preferred Partner
- Both
- Neither
More than what percentage of drivers using Waze are between 25 and 54 years old?
- 25%
- 50%
- 75%
- 99%
On which of the following popular branding platforms do people spend the most in-app time per month, on average?
- Waze
- Snapchat
On which platform can small and medium-sized businesses or national brands seeking localized campaigns advertise?
- Waze for Brands
- Waze Local
- Waze Ads
- None of these
What is the newest Waze offering?
- Connected Citizens Program
- Waze for Brands
- Waze Local
- Waze Carpool
Pricing for both Starter and Plus is based upon what type of model?
- Flat rate
- Yearly subscription
- Monthly budget
Pricing for Waze Local Starter begins at as little as $ /day, while Waze Local Plus starts at $/day?
- $10 / $1,000
- $100 / $500
- $2 / $100
- $1/$500
Insights and data allow Waze Local to effectively target drivers by knowing what?
- When drivers are visiting your competitors
- When drivers are near your business
- When drivers are near your business or visiting your competitors.
- When drivers are at home or work
Nearly half (46%) of all Waze users have a yearly household income of what amount?
- $50K or less
- $75K
- $90k
- $100K or more
How many hours per month do Wazers average on the app?
- 2
- 5
- 6
- 10.5
Name the level(s) of Waze Agency partnership?
- Certified Partner
- Preferred Partner
- Certified Partner and Preferred Partner
- Waze Local Partner
What do all three ad formats help small and medium-sized businesses or national brands seeking localized campaigns achieve?
- Differentiation from similar businesses in their area
- Improved location awareness
- Increased navigations to their locations and in-store traffic
- All of these
In 2017, more than __ drivers visited local businesses in the U.S. advertising on Waze?
- 0.3 million
- 1.3 million
- 2.3 million
- 3.3 million
What does Promoted Search offer?
- Priority in drivers’ search results
- Business name, logo, and address
- All of these
- None of these
How are Waze routes developed to be as efficient as possible?
- Crowd-sourcing
- Collective GPS tracking
- Both of these
- Neither
What is our company’s mission statement?
- Outsmarting traffic, together
- Encouraging carpooling
- Promoting ride-sharing
- Take 50% of cars off the road
Almost ⅓ of the Wazers you reach on Waze Local live within how many miles of your business?
- 6
- 10
- 12
- 15
Zero-Speed Takeover displays ads when drivers __?
- Check their phone
- Come to a complete stop for more than 4 seconds
- Search for a business
- Begin driving
If you plan to spend less than $100/day, which solution is most suitable for your business?
- Waze Local Starter
- Waze Local Plus
- Both
- Neither
On average, what navigational increase do businesses experience when they advertise on Waze Local?
- 2%
- 9%
- 10%
- 20%
What is the minimum investment requirement for Preferred Partners?
- $15k per month for three consecutive months
- $45k in the last three months
- Either of these
- Neither
What does the Waze Dashboard allow you to do?
- Manage your account settings
- Track the performance of your campaign
- View your Creatives
- All of these
Which Waze offering is a data exchange program that offers Waze vital insights on proposed road closures and detours?
- Waze Carpool
- Connected Citizens Program
- Waze Local
- Waze for Brands
How many times per day do drivers feel they must use Waze in order to pass “The Toothbrush Test”??
- 1
- 2
- 1.5
- 0
In what year did Google acquire Waze?
- 2005
- 2008
- 2013
- 2017
Wazers with 2 to 4 people in their household make up what percentage of overall users?
- 25%
- 50%
- 60%
- 65%
Which additional ad format does Waze Local Plus offer?
- Branded Pins
- Promoted Search
- Zero-Speed Takeover
- None of these
What can advertising on Waze Local help small and medium-sized businesses or national brands seeking localized campaigns achieve?
- Raise their profile
- Increase location awareness
- Drive in-store traffic
- All of these
What do Waze Local ads offer that traditional OOH and billboards lack?
- Business name and logo
- Business address
- Critical targeting and measurement capabilities to reach an audience of 100% nearby drivers in real time
- Business phone number
What type of additional support do Waze Preferred Partners receive?
- Client acquisition
- Training materials
- Dedicated Account Manager
- All of these
What business information do Branded Pins provide when a user clicks on them?
- Business locations and store hours
- Phone number and special deals
- Store hours and phone number
- Business locations, store hours, phone numbers, and special deals.
How do you calculate an Ad’s Click-Through Rate (CTR)?
- Ad Unit Clicks/Impressions
- Impressions/Ad Unit Clicks
- Navigations/Ad Unit Clicks
- None of these
What is the Waze key user benefit?
- Save drivers 30 seconds per day
- Save drivers 1 minute per day
- Save drivers 2 minutes per day
- Save drivers 5 minutes per day
How many people use Waze around the world?
- 20 million
- 50 million
- 75 million
- 100 million