With isimSoftware Picture Drawing you can add description text, callout boxes (balloons), dimensions, detailed images, and other annotation objects to the pictures. We don’t mess up the original pictures with the annotation. Instead, the annotation is stored in a separated file and the original picture file is intact.
Small, simple, and easy to use
And it’s very easy to use. Just download the software, install it and off you go. All the operations and functions are straight forward and easy to follow. You don’t need to spend a lot of time just to learn how to use it.
Personal License Price: 10$ Click here to buy this software
Portable Version
isimsoftware Picture Drawing is a portable application. That means you can just copy the binary files to USB drive and run it from there without installation.

isimsoftware Picture Drawing lets you add annotation to an image file. You can add texts, arrows, dimensions, lines, and balloons etc. to an image.
People are using isimsoftware Picture Drawing’s annotation capabilities to:
Name people in photos.
Add descriptions for objects.
Show dimension information of an object.
Show enlarged details of an object in the balloons.
Some key features of isimsoftware Picture Drawing are:
Simple, intuitive user interface
Every feature and user interface element has been designed to be immediately intuitive and easily learned without assistance. isimsoftware Picture Drawing is designed to be immediately familiar to users of MS Office and any other commercial graphics software.
Instant visual effect when setting properties
When configuring the properties of annotation objects, you will see the instant effect without having to click the [Ok] button.
Annotation data is stored in a separated file from the original image
Annotation is not written directly to the image. Actually they are stored in a separated xml file. So you don’t need to worry that the original image will be messed up.
Main Interface
The main user interface includes the following parts,
Main panel
Toolbar buttons
Property panel
Status bar
- Main panel
The main panel is at the center of the application’s UI. It shows the image that’s being edited. - Toolbar buttons
The toolbar buttons provide common operations for editing such as open, save, print, cut/copy/paste, redo/undo, and zoom etc. - Toolbox
Toolbox provides all the annotations (e.g. lines, rectangles, text, and callout boxes etc.) you can add to the image. It also provides operations like selection, zoom-in, and image panning. - Property panel
Property panel shows the basic properties for the currently selected annotation object. It’s context sensitive. For example, if you are editing a line object, the Fill property is greyed out.
To see / modify the all the properties for the current object, you can right click on the object in the main panel, from the pop-up menu, choose [properties]. - Overview image
The Overview shows the whole image. The yellow box is the current focused part in the main panel. You can drag the yellow box to move the focused part in the main panel. It’s handy when you are editing a big image or zoom in to details. You can drag the yellow box - Ruler
The ruler shows the size of the image (in pixels) and the current position of the mouse cursor. - Status bar
Status bar shows information about the current image, such as storage size and the space size (in pixels).