isimSoftware OCR Converter
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isimSoftware OCR Converter
isimSoftware OCR Converter
Scanned PDF & Image to Word Converter
isimSoftware OCR
isimSoftware OCR Converter
With isimSoftware OCR you will be able to convert any scanned files PDF and Image into Word .doc .docx .rtf .txt .xls .xps .html and .pdf (searchable) with very accurate Optical Character Recognition technology.
What is isimSoftware OCR:
It’s an Optical Character Recognition software.Optical Character Recognition, usually abbreviated to OCR, is the digital conversion of scanned images of handwritten, typewritten or printed text into machine-encoded text.isimSoftware OCR converts different types of documents, such as scanned paper documents, PDF files or images captured by a digital camera into editable and searchable data.

Why Do OCR:
No need to retype or reformat!Just convert them! isimSoftware OCR is the fastest and most precise way to convert paper, PDF files, and even digital camera pictures into documents you can edit in your favorite PC applications. In some professional environments (such as libraries, offices), thousands of books and documents are scanned regularly for back-up and archival. A scanner merely takes photographs of the original paper documents, resulting in image-based scanned documents in PDF format. The major issue with processing and storing such large volumes of scanned documents is the inability to search for a specific phrase or name inside a file. Also no text can be highlighted, copied, or modified, because the document contains one big image file as opposed to individual text characters. OCR changes all that!With isimSoftware OCR Converter you can save time,save space,search and use texts like never before!

Save $10 if you buy isimSoftware OCR Converter
With isimSoftware OCR Converter you will enjoy creating documents & texts with ease of mind.
Scanned to DOCX Scanned to DOC Scanned to RTF Scanned to TXT Scanned to XLS Scanned to HTML Scanned to PDF

isimSoftware OCR The most accurate OCR Converter
Industry Leading OCR Converter isimSoftware OCR V 1.5.0 Is now available.
isimSoftware OCR is a one of the most sophisticated OCR software packages on the market, specifically designed for ease of integration with all of your ocr needs.We’re certain that no other OCR software has been put through the same rigorous and innovative development process.

Main features
1isimSoftware is one of the most stable, accurate and reliable engines on the market
isimSoftware OCR that not hang up your system.Failure to recognise characters and words results in a high number of reported errors and can cause some OCR software to crash or hang.
2isimSoftware is font Independent
isimSoftware OCR does not discriminate fonts present in the document to be processed.All of the fonts are kept in the orginal style.This makes it much simpler and quicker for you to process a batch, without fiddling around with different settings.The processed document can be easily formatted to your needs.
3Maximum Chracacter Accuracy
There are dozens of things that can interfere with an OCR engine’s ability to accurately read a character. From broken letters to underlined text – all of these hurdles are easily processed by isimSoftware OCR.It’s ability to recognise is optimised for maximum character accuracy – saving you time, effort and money in the long run.
4All major formats are supported
From scanned old PDF books to recently taken digital photos,all kinds of formats are supported by isimSoftware OCR Converter.It supports pdf,jpeg,xls,doc and txt.
5Ease of Use
isimSoftware OCR Converter is easy to use.No difficult options to confuse this software with a work that can only be done tech and research experts.Just select and convert,it’s that easy!
Why Choose isimSoftware OCR?
Are all OCR converters created same?

Choosing the right software in a market where each one is claiming to be the fastest and most accurate poses a problem: which is honest and true? They can’t all be the best – or is in OCR all softwares are of same capability?
Also an OCR software provider have no defined standards for testing, and no uniform code of measure to follow. This makes it difficult to compare performance statistics between different suppliers. The following may go some way to explaining why there are so many OCR softwares claiming to be the best.

But isimSoftware OCR stands apart from all of the remaining OCR softwares.We are confident , constantly pushing ourselves to create better and more accurate optical recognition software – enhancing its ability to read almost decimated text.
Our products are developed with accuracy in mind – and in an industry where many of the optical character recognition converters can be unreliable, we’re proud to offer a truly reliable, accurate solution.

How to setup
Setting up isimSoftware OCR Converter is very easy thanks to it’s installer.After downloading the isimSoftwareOCR_Setup.exe file ,open it. Select the language and press ok.

Then on the welcome screen click on “Next”
Now you can change the destination folder by clicking “Browse”.Then click “Next”

On selecting start menu folder,click “Next”
If you want a quick launch icon,tick it and click “Next”
On the final screen click “Install”
The software will start installing and show you the setup progress.
That’s it!You’ve successfully installed isimSoftware OCR Converter.Click “Finish” and the converter will run.

How to Use
Start isimSoftware OCR converter.The first screen will look like this.Click on the add button
Next select a pdf/jpg file and click “Open”
Select the output path .The defult choice is Desktop.
Optional:You can view the file you have just selected by pressing the View button
Thats right!You will see the selected file.Here you can choose the pages you want to be converted,or simply the whole document will be converted by defult.
After you have selected the desired out put format,click on Convert Now
The programe will show the progress of ocr.
After completing ocr,the confirmation message will appear.
You can now click on “See” to open the converted file.
That’s right.This way you can directly start working on your converted document.
c2Or you can browse to your output folder and open it manually.

Ease Of Use
isimSoftware OCR Converter is easy to use.No difficult options to confuse this software with a work that can only be done tech and research experts.Just select and convert,it’s that easy!
From scanned old PDF books to recently taken digital photos,all kinds of formats are supported by isimSoftware OCR Converter.
If you have an old poster or flyer and you want to use the Illustration from that,isimSoftware OCR Converter will save your precious time and money.
Mobile Use
You do not need to zoom in and out to see that old handnote you took from your classmate,friend or colleague any more.Convert it to an editable doc or txt and take it with your mobile.
Intelligent Layout
If you want to convert an old scanned pdf book into an selectable and editable pdf,but still want to keep the classic old looks,isimSoftware OCR Converter is your choice.It’s Intelligent Layout will conserve the storybook’s look yet performing OCR.
Coded With Love
This is NOT just another OCR Converter.It was made keeping in mind the wishes of the users.You will certainly enjoy using isimSoftware OCR converter,because it was made for YOU.
Worth Every Penny
isimSoftware OCR Converter will meet all your Optical Character Recognition needs.You will not need any other software to accompany it.Compared to other softwares,isimSoftware OCR Converter is more affordable and provides peace of mind.
Eco Friendly
OCR is eco friendly,making the world a safer place by reducing consumption of papers.Converted and edited documents are shared and enjoyed,without burning any tree.
isimSoftware OCR Converter lets you directly save any scanned file into DOC and DOCX format.
It supports any PDF scanned or not, and it can save into editable PDF format with the OCR function.
isimSoftware OCR Converter lets you directly save any scanned file into DOC and DOCX format.
isimSoftware OCR Converter lets you directly save any scanned file into DOC and DOCX format.
isimSoftware OCR Converter lets you directly save any scanned file into DOC and DOCX format.