isimSoftware Auto Text Expander
isimSoftware Auto Text Expander
isimSoftware Auto Text Expander allows the use of text modules in almost all applications. The software helps in typing of frequently used text passages, complicated terminology or text blocks in which only one value, such as a date or name is to be entered via an input mask and represents a sophisticated alternative to the rather rudimentary Word AutoText.
With isimSoftware Auto Text Expander, AutoTexts or text blocks can clearly be organized in various catalog files and groups and be used by a keyboard shortcut or a text shortcut in a variety of applications. Groups can be displayed as selection menu in any application to make it easier to access the contained AutoText entries. The program also enables the sharing of a catalog by using a database server or by synchronizing a shared folder (for example via Dropbox).
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isimSoftware Auto Text Expander
isimSoftware Auto Text Expander allows the use of text modules in almost all applications. The software helps in typing of frequently used text passages, complicated terminology or text blocks in which only one value, such as a date or name is to be entered via an input mask and represents a sophisticated alternative to the rather rudimentary Word AutoText.
With isimSoftware Auto Text Expander, AutoTexts or text blocks can clearly be organized in various catalog files and groups and be used by a keyboard shortcut or a text shortcut in a variety of applications. Groups can be displayed as selection menu in any application to make it easier to access the contained AutoText entries. The program also enables the sharing of a catalog by using a database server or by synchronizing a shared folder (for example via Dropbox).

Increase productivity
Create reusable AutoText templates and use them with a single action at lightning speed
Share catalogs with other users
always use the latest version of a text module by sharing a catalog on the network
Use selection dialogs
Display pick lists, input fields etc. to conveniently complement text templates
Exactly controlled usage
Restrict the application of text blocks to specific programs by using flexibly adjustable filters

WITH isimSoftware Auto Text Expander YOU CAN:
manage text modules or AutoTexts comfortably and clearly
use text building blocks outside of Word
specify custom text shortcuts and keyboard shortcuts for specific applications
prevent the AutoText use in certain programs or allow the usage only in those
use several catalogs in order to simplify the organization of various categories
share catalogs with other people to use formulations prescribed for a specific purpose or the most current formulations
display pick lists and input fields, for example to enter only the daily date in a text block
conveniently import text modules from text and CSV files – the program supports the import of multi-line CSV values
use completion suggestions when typing and thus use AutoTexts without entering a keyboard or text shortcut
isimSoftware Auto Text Expander offers extensive possibilities for the configuration of a text module. For example, three different formats are available for the output of an AutoText: Text to output plain text, RTF for outputting text with RTF formatting (e.g., a background color or an italic font style) as well as HTML as third format for outputting HTML formatted text and images.
Furthermore can be determined, whether the output of a text block should be triggered by a keyboard shortcut or a text shortcut. By supporting different font colors as well as embedded images, HTML and RTF formatted AutoTexts are suitable, for example for the use of different signatures in Outlook. Furthermore, it is conceivable to use a text block with mixed content in Word or equally any RTF editor such as WordPad.
isimSoftware Auto Text Expander – Main window
isimSoftware Auto Text Expander – General
isimSoftware Auto Text Expander – Catalog server
FOR WHOM IS isimSoftware Auto Text Expander SUITABLE?
The term text module refers to text passages, which are part of many texts, for example because of high generality. These may be, among other idioms, phrases or legal texts. Text blocks can also be extensive templates only to be supplemented by individual data, such as an amount or a salutation. If a text block is used a certain number of times, the writing speed can be significantly increased through the use of a text module management. Further information
isimSoftware Auto Text Expander is aimed at users who have to write a lot every day and want to optimize this process as much as possible, to gain time for other tasks. The typical purpose of the program is the support for writing reports or business letters, creating documentations and replying to emails. There are also a large number of individual applications for text modules, such as correcting frequent typos in a particular word or the use of pick lists, for example to allow access to an address or the like with one keystroke. Each text module, once set up, saves more and more time in the future and facilitates the work.

The use of a text block can be limited by filters to prevent unwanted output. For this, the window title and the path of the currently active application can be used. Furthermore, it is advisable to put a special character such as the pound symbol before a text shortcut to prevent that an insertion of a text block is triggered, only because the abbreviation was part of the word entered.
In many cases, only a few data change within common output text blocks, such as address, date or amount. Then it makes sense to allow data entry via a mask in order to ensure, for example, correct spelling or formatting. Using text blocks can save you among other things, a possible lookup for data in an earlier document.
isimSoftware Auto Text Expander supports the sharing of a catalog. For this, there are two options available: Firstly, the use of a database server that can be accessed via network from all workstations and secondly, the sharing of a catalog using a special folder that is synchronized by Dropbox & Co. Thus, version conflicts such as the use of outdated templates at some places can be avoided. New text blocks can be deployed centralized in one place and, if necessary, exclusively by an authorized person.
Main menu
Menu entries of the group File
New catalog file…
This menu entry opens a file selection dialog to specify the directory in which the catalog should be created and to name the catalog. After successful creation of the catalog, a dialog window for editing the catalog settings will be opened.
Open catalog file…
This menu item opens a dialog to select the catalog file to be opened.
New shared catalog file …
This menu entry opens a file selection dialog to specify the directory in which the catalog should be created and to name the catalog. As directory, select the folder, that should be shared with other users and is monitored by a synchronization program such as DropBox. After successful creation of the catalog, a dialog window for editing the catalog settings will be opened.
Open shared catalog file…
This menu item opens a dialog to select the shared catalog file to be opened.
Restore catalog…
İsimSoftware Auto Text Expandercreates automatically backups for local and shared catalogs as soon as a change is made. The number of backups to be stored can be set in the program options. Clicking on this item opens a dialog box in which a backup can be selected that should be restored. For network catalogs, the respective system administrator is responsible for regularly backing up the catalog database.
Remove catalog
Using this menu item, the selected catalog can be removed. Removed catalogs are no longer available in the program, but not deleted from the hard drive.
Connect to a catalog server…
This menu item opens a dialog for adding or integrating a network catalog. As database server, only Firebird is initially supported. In the dialog box, the credentials can be entered, which are required to connect to a server on the local network. After successful opening of the catalog, a dialog window for editing the catalog settings will be opened.
Import (into selected group)
Import from CSV file
After selecting the CSV file to be imported, the settings window opens where you specify the separator and determines whether the first line of the CSV file contains column labels. Then you assign the properties of the AutoText entries to be generated to the corresponding column indices. The Name property needs to be assigned a column index in any case. If a column is assigned to Group 1 and the respective row contains a value, a group is created named with this value and the created AutoText entry will be incorporated in this group. Other subgroups can be generated by mapping the columns for the groups 2 to 10. After clicking on Import, the import process is started and the number of imported entries will be displayed upon completion.
When importing multiline values are supported.
Import list (name = content)
This menu item serves to import simple lists. For each line of the list, an AutoText entry is created, having the text of the respective line assigned as name and content.
Using this menu item, the program options can be accessed to customize the program.
Menu entries of the group Groups
A click on this menu entry creates a new group and opens a dialog to configure the newly created group.
This menu item opens a dialog to edit the settings of the selected group.
Using this menu item, the selected group will be removed along with all contained sub-groups after confirmation.
Import (into selected group)
Import from CSV file
After selecting the CSV file to be imported, the settings window opens where you specify the separator and determines whether the first line of the CSV file contains column labels. Then you assign the properties of the AutoText entries to be generated to the corresponding column indices. The Name property needs to be assigned a column index in any case. If a column is assigned to Group 1 and the respective row contains a value, a group is created named with this value and the created AutoText entry will be incorporated in this group. Other subgroups can be generated by mapping the columns for the groups 2 to 10. After clicking on Import, the import process is started and the number of imported entries will be displayed upon completion.
When importing, multiline values are supported.
Import list (name = content)
This menu item serves to import simple lists. For each line of the list, an AutoText entry is created, having the text of the respective line assigned as name and content.
Menu entries of the group Entries
A click on this menu entry creates a new entry and opens a dialog to configure the newly created group.
This menu item opens a dialog to edit the settings of the selected entry.
Copy to clipboard
Use this menu item, the content of the selected item is copied to the clipboard. Embedded objects or macros are applied.
Using this menu item, the selected entry will be removed after confirmation.
Menu entries of the group Help
Enter license key…
This menu entry opens the registration dialog to enter the license key respectively to unlock the full version of the program.
Online help…
Clicking on this menu item opens the online help in the default browser. To use the online help, an active Internet connection is required.
Info about isimSoftware Auto Text Expander…
Using this menu item, the dialog window to display the program version of the license state will be opened. This dialog window contains also links to contact the technical support, the product’s web page etc.
Create error report
In case of technical problems, you can create an error report by using this menu item. The created file is named “İsimSoftware Auto Text Expander- error report” and located on the Desktop. You can then send us the error report attached to an email with a short description of the problem.
İsimSoftware Auto Text Expander supports the simultaneous use of multiple catalogs. It supports any combination of catalog types listed below. A catalog can be disabled by removing the preceding checkmark.
Local catalog
This catalog type includes AutoText entries that are specific to a user and not to be shared with other users. The entries could, for example, contain data that are not relevant to, or should not be made available to other users.
Shared catalog
This catalog type includes AutoText entries that are to be shared with other users via a synchronization service and thus jointly used. A shared catalog allows collaborative editing of AutoText entries and is updated when the program starts and after closing the main program window.
Network catalog
This catalog type includes AutoText entries that are shared by multiple users on a network. A network catalog can be edited by all users.
Groups are used to divide AutoText entries. They are arbitrarily deep nestable and can be integrated into another group within the same catalog via drag & drop. A group can be disabled along with contained subgroups and AutoText entries by removing the preceding checkmark.
With a text or keyboard shortcut, groups can be made available in almost all applications as selection menu. This allows convenient access to the elements contained in that specific group. After clicking on a menu entry, the corresponding text block will be inserted at the current insertion point in any text.
If a group has a text shortcut or keyboard shortcut assigned, it is appended to the group name.
Tool bar
A click on this menu entry creates a new group and opens a dialog to configure the newly created group.
This menu item opens a dialog to edit the settings of the selected group.
Using this menu item, the selected group will be removed along with all contained sub-groups after confirmation.
Import from CSV file
After selecting the CSV file to be imported, the settings window opens where you specify the separator and determines whether the first line of the CSV file contains column labels. Then you assign the properties of the AutoText entries to be generated to the corresponding column indices. The Name property needs to be assigned a column index in any case. If a column is assigned to Group 1 and the respective row contains a value, a group is created named with this value and the created AutoText entry will be incorporated in this group. Other subgroups can be generated by mapping the columns for the groups 2 to 10. After clicking on Import, the import process is started and the number of imported entries will be displayed upon completion.
When importing, multiline values are supported.
Import list (name = content)
This menu item serves to import simple lists. For each line of the list, an AutoText entry is created, having the text of the respective line assigned as name and content.
Edit group settings
Tab „General“
Here, the name of the group and an optional comment are entered. The assigned name is used to display the group in the group list.
Text shortcut
In this area, a text shortcut can be entered, which induces an invocation of a selection menu starting with the respective group. To minimize unwanted invocations, it is advisable to prepend a special character to the text abbreviation, such as a pound sign (#). This ensures that the text shortcut is not part of a word. Optional can be determined whether the upper / lower case of the text shortcut should be considered.
Furthermore, the type of prefix and suffix can be determined here which can alternatively be used instead of preceding special characters to define exactly when the group selection menu should be invoked. The prefix in this context is the type of the character that was entered immediately before the text shortcut. For example, it can be specified that the group selection menu should only be invoked if previously a digit or a space has been entered. The suffix corresponds to the type of character that has been entered directly after a text shortcut.
Keyboard shortcut
Here, a keyboard shortcut can be determined which serves to invoke a selection menu starting with the respective group.
Tab „Exclusion“
Using the application filter, applications can be defined that İsimSoftware Auto Text Expandershould ignore. In these applications, keystrokes are not evaluated. As criterion, the path of an application or the text in the title of a window can be used. A global application filter can be set in the program options.
The number of filters used is displayed in the tab’s label.
Tab „Extended“
Include in completion suggestions
If this option is enabled and one or more text blocks begin with the characters you entered, a pick list is displayed that contains all AutoText entries matching the input. By pressing the SHIFT key, you can switch into this selection window and select the entry to be used. After double-clicking the entry or pressing the ENTER or RIGHT ARROW key, the corresponding text block is inserted into the text. If only one match is displayed, pressing the SHIFT key triggers the direct use. By pressing the ESCAPE key, the pick list can be closed without selecting an entry.
The activation of this option is independent of the activation status of parent groups.
The minimum number of matching characters can be set in the program options in the category Suggestions.
Allow usage in Explorer
Normally, İsimSoftware Auto Text Expanderremains inactive when the Windows Explorer is the active application. You can override this behavior by enabling this option.
AutoText entries
With a text or keyboard shortcut or by using completion suggestions, AutoText entries can be used in almost all applications. When applied, the text block that is assigned to an AutoText entry is inserted at the current insertion position within any text. AutoText entries can be moved via drag & drop to another group within the same catalog. By removing the preceding checkmark, AutoText entries can be disabled.
Tool bar
A click on this menu entry creates a new entry and opens a dialog to configure the newly created AutoText entry.
This menu item opens a dialog to edit the settings of the selected entry.
Copy to clipboard
Use this menu item, the content of the selected item is copied to the clipboard. Embedded objects or macros are applied.
Using this menu item, the selected entry will be removed after confirmation.
Edit entries
Tab „General“
Text editor
İsimSoftware Auto Text Expandersupports three different text types: plain text and text in RTF or HTML format. The text entered here will be sent to the active application when a text-insertion operation is triggered e.g., by a text shortcut. By embedding objects, the text can also be supplemented with dynamic content such as a pick list or daily date.
Here, the name of the entry and an optional comment are entered. The assigned name is used to display the entry in the list of AutoText entries.
Text shortcut
In this area, a text shortcut can be entered, which triggers the insertion of the respective text block. To minimize unwanted invocations, it is advisable to prepend a special character to the text abbreviation, such as a pound sign (#). This ensures that the text shortcut is not part of a word. Optional can be determined whether the upper / lower case of the text shortcut is to be considered.
Furthermore, the type of prefix and suffix can be determined here which can alternatively be used instead of preceding special characters to define exactly when the text block should be inserted. The prefix in this context is the type of the character that was entered immediately before the text shortcut. For example, it can be specified that the text should only be inserted if previously a digit or a space has been entered. The suffix corresponds to the type of character that has been entered directly after a text shortcut.
Keyboard shortcut
Here, a keyboard shortcut can be determined which signals the program that the respective text block should be inserted at the current position in the active application.
Tab „Exclusion“
Using the application filter, applications can be defined that İsimSoftware Auto Text Expandershould ignore. In these applications, keystrokes are not evaluated. As criterion, the path of an application or the text in the title of a window can be used. A global application filter can be set in the program options.
The number of filters used is displayed in the tab’s label.
Tab „Send options“
İsimSoftware Auto Text Expander makes it possible to use two different sending methods for text-insertion operations using plain text. Changing the send method may be necessary if an application does not support one of the two send methods. The standard send method is set in the program options, however, it can be set separately for each AutoText entry.
Tab „Extended“
Include in completion suggestions
If this option is enabled and one or more text blocks begin with the characters you entered, a pick list is displayed that contains all AutoText entries matching the input. By pressing the SHIFT key, you can switch into this selection window and select the entry to be used. After double-clicking the entry or pressing the ENTER or RIGHT ARROW key, the corresponding text block is inserted into the text. If only one match is displayed, pressing the SHIFT key triggers the direct use. By pressing the ESCAPE key, the pick list can be closed without selecting an entry.
The minimum number of matching characters can be set in the program options in the category Suggestions.
Allow usage in Explorer
Normally, İsimSoftware Auto Text Expanderremains inactive when the Windows Explorer is the active application. You can override this behavior by enabling this option.
The details pane displays information about the currently focused entry.
Selection menu
The selection menu lists all entries of the invoked group hierarchically. The LEFT ARROW button or key can be used to switch to the parent group. The RIGHT ARROW button as well as the corresponding key trigger the use of the selected entry. The ARROW UP and ARROW DOWN keys can be used to navigate within the list. With the F3 key, the input field for search is activated. The search results are live (updated after each character entered). The search is case-insensitive.
Program options
Sets the language of the user interface.
Start program with Windows
Specifies whether the program should start automatically when Windows starts.
Show main window at startup
Determines whether the main window should be shown at program start.
Close data entry forms contained in the AutoText at loss of focus
Determines whether data entry forms such as a date selection dialog will be closed and the insertion of the text block will be canceled when switching to another window (when the data entry form no longer is focused).
AutoText defaults
Here, the default type of prefix and suffix can be determined. Using prefix and suffix can prevent that text shortcuts which are part of a word trigger unwanted text-insertion operations. The prefix in this context is the type of the character that was entered immediately before the text shortcut. For example, it can be specified that the text should only be inserted if previously a digit or a space has been entered. The suffix corresponds to the type of character that has been entered directly after a text shortcut.
In this category, the minimum number of characters can be specified which a text module must match before a pick list of matching AutoText entries will be displayed.
Sending options
İsimSoftware Auto Text Expandermakes it possible to use two different sending methods for text-insertion operations using plain text. Changing the send method may be necessary if an application does not support one of the two send methods. Here, the default send method can be set, however, it can be overridden and set separately for each AutoText entry in the entry settings.
Using the application filter, applications can be defined that İsimSoftware Auto Text Expandershould ignore. In these applications, keystrokes are not evaluated. As criterion, the path of an application or the text in the title of a window can be used. Here you can define global rules.
For local catalogs, İsimSoftware Auto Text Expanderautomatically creates a backup as soon as a change is made. Here, the number of backups to be stored and the directory in which the backup files are kept, are set.