isimSoftware Class Reminder
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isimSoftware Class Reminder
isimSoftware Class Reminder is a special type of alarm clock for college and university students and professors. Users enter the specifics about their classes and the program then monitors those classes and alerts the user when the class time approaches. isimSoftware Class Reminder installs with default settings, but those settings can be adjusted by the user. Some specifics about isimSoftware Class Reminder can be found below. The user’s guide should be consulted for complete details and examples.
Alert Methods: isimSoftware Class Reminder performs alerts by playing a sound and/or displaying a popup window. The popup window displays the class name and how much time remains until the class begins. It also displays in three different colors, and the colors will change from yellow to orange to red as the class time approaches. This popup window does not “steal” the focus away from whatever the user happens to be working on (e.g., typing an e-mail). Both alert methods (play a sound and display a popup window) are enabled by default when the program is installed for the first time, but they can be adjusted in the program settings area.
Times to Alert: isimSoftware Class Reminder will perform alerts during the times the user selects. The program offers alerts at the following times prior to the start of any class: 60 minutes, 45 minutes, 30 minutes, 15 minutes, 10 minutes, 7 minutes, 5 minutes, 4 minutes, 3 minutes, 2 minutes, 1 minute, and at class time. For example, if a class starts at 10 a.m. and the alert time “15 Minutes Before Class” has been selected, then isimSoftware Class Reminder will alert the user at 9:45 a.m. All times with the exception of “60 Minutes Before Class” and “45 Minutes Before Class” are enabled by default when the program is installed for the first time, but this can be adjusted in the program settings area.
Start isimSoftware Class Reminder With Windows: By default, isimSoftware Class Reminder will automatically start minimized to the system tray when Windows starts. This can be turned on and off within the program settings area.
User’s Guide: A user’s guide is included that describes how isimSoftware Class Reminder works. This user’s guide is a searchable help file that is integrated within the program. It can be accessed from the help menu or by pressing F1.